
Phases of the moon


The changes of the moon ...

Have you ever gazed up at the moon and wondered:
  • What are the phases of the moon?
  • Why do we never see one side of the moon?
  • What does moon rock actually look like?
Join us to find out in this drop-in family workshop where you will:
  Make your own moon phase chart
 See some of our wonderful moon objects including John Russell’s moon globe and pastel drawing
 See a piece of moon rock at close quarters!


Wednesday 23 February 2022, 1-3pm 

Top Gallery. Drop in.

Tickets £0.00. Donations welcome.

Suitable for families with children aged 6+

Book your free ticket to visit the Museum

11961 Album of Original Drawings of the Moon, by John Russell, 1764 and 1786-1805

Sketch by John Russell from his Album of Original Drawings of the Moon (Inv: 11961 )


52085 Selenographia Moon Globe, by John Russell, London, 1797

Selenographia Moon Globe, by John Russell, London, 1797 (Inv: 52085)