Renaissance Globe: Full Events Listing

The Renaissance Globe Project: Full events listing

The Renaissance Globe Project offered a wide and varied range of public activities and events inspired by the ideas of travel, trade, exploration, navigation and the natural world. The listing below shows the programme of events at the four partner museums.


History of Science Museum

History of Science Museum's Renaissance Globe Project public programme encouraged visitors to explore the collection, discover key events in the history of science and learn about the traditional techniques of globe-making.

Family drop-in events:

The Madness of Magellan - Family Friendly, drop-in; 7, 8 June
Globe-Makers Workshops - Adult, booked event; 21 July / Family Friendly, booked event; 26 May, 23 June
Sea Monsters and Other Things - Family Friendly, drop-in; 7, 21 July
Astronomer, Doctor, Explorer - Family Friendly, drop-in; 30, 31 August, 1 September

Museum of Natural History

Drawing inspiration from fossils, animals, birds, butterflies and other wonders of the natural world in globe-decorating activities at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

Family drop-in events:

24 July, 2 to 4 pm
31 July, 2 to 4 pm
7 August, 2 to 4 pm
28 August, 2 to 4 pm

Ashmolean Museum

Creating a large globe inspired by the Ashmolean’s collection from different times and cultures.

Family drop-in events:

1, 2 August, 1 to 4 pm
15, 16 August, 1 to 4 pm
22, 23 August, 1 to 4 pm
27 August, 11 to 4 pm: Bank holiday family event on the theme of voyages, boats and the sea.

Museums at Night

18 May, 6 to 9 pm

A late night event celebrating the Grand Tour, with images from the classical world and European art, included globe-making sessions.

Museum of Oxford

Discovering Oxford’s sporting stories by cutting, pasting, printing and painting onto the Museum's two globes. The designs helped to create a sports-themed display in the Museum’s summer exhibition.

Family drop-in events:

7 June, 10.30am to 3.30pm
16 August, 10.30am to 3.30pm